Internet-Addiction Treatment Options During the Era of COVID-19
What are the treatment options for internet addiction during the era of COVID-19?
A number of individuals have been reaching out to me recently because they have developed addiction to the internet or someone they love has developed addiction to the internet. During this era of COVID-19, there is an unprecedented number of resources, which can be offered to individuals who are suffering from this. Video visits with a physician can lead to the prescription and medications that can assist in your recovery. Video psychotherapy with an expert psychologist, video group therapy where you can meet other individuals who are suffering similarly to you are all available and they are all being taken advantage of in numbers that we have never seen before. Montefiore Health System offers all of these services, other health systems offer these services. We hope, and I hope, that during this era of COVID-19, if you have developed an addiction or whether you had a previous addiction to the internet, that you will now seek help and emerge from this pandemic stronger and healthier than ever.