How to Get Help for Addiction During the Era of COVID-19
How can someone struggling with addiction find a doctor to help?
The era of COVID-19 has been challenging, no doubt. Within this challenging period, though, there have been remarkable breakthroughs in the treatment of addiction. You are watching this video right now likely on your phone, or on a computer. And with that phone or that computer, you have the technology you need right now to get expert care for your addiction. Video visits have emerged in numbers that have never been seen ever in the treatment of addiction. More people are getting addiction treatment during COVID-19 than ever before. That's really exciting. My experience as a doctor treating people through video visits during COVID-19 has surprised me. The frequency with which I'm able to see patients because of the convenience, the availability for people to see me from the privacy of their own homes without any sort of inconvenience of going out has led to such deep, meaningful connections. And these deep and meaningful connections are really helping patients achieve sobriety, achieve recovery. And when my patients talk to me, they're not just talking to me about the connection that I have with them and they with me, they're talking about the connections that they are forming through self help groups like AA or NA which are being done via video, or group therapies that are being done via video. So this challenging time has led to new breakthroughs in this field. It can lead to new breakthroughs in your life as you try to achieve recovery. Now, if you are looking to see a doctor, if you are looking to see an expert through video visit, how can you do that? Well, if you contact a major academic medical center, much like Montefiore health system, they will guide you through it so that you can get the help that you need. I hope you stay strong.